Hey all,
I finally got our Christmas tree up. It's a small one this year. :( I was worried that the dog was going to try to eat it so we got a small one and put it up on an old coffee table. He hasn't shown any interest in it at all! It's good to know we will be safe for next year though. We just have to see what happens with the presents! Here's a picture of the tree. I did the lights, Carley did the bottom ornaments, and I did the top and Jamie put the Angel on. He was Bah hum bug that night.

We went to Zoo Lights on Saturday. Here's a picture of a particularly pretty tree. I love all the little lighted animals that they put up all over the place.

This is of Carley by a cardboard Orangutan. It's hard to see, but it was cute.

I had no idea that so many people go to Zoo lights! We got there around 7:00 PM and there was a pretty long line to get in, and there was NO PLACE TO PARK! We had to park in BFE! We walked through for about an hour and came out to the longest line to get out of a place! We had to wait 15 minutes in line just to LEAVE! Then as we are walking out we see the line to get in is all the way down to the parking lot. It was probably a 25 ft line to get in the place! I guarantee that the people at the end wouldn't have been let in b/c it would have been closing time by the time they got up there! It was amazing. So, all in all I think I will probably not go back to Zoo Lights for a long time. There were just too many people.
Sunday Jamie decided to have a fire in our new "fire pit" in the backyard. It's not really a fire pit yet. It's pretty much just a stump that we designated a fire pit. :)
Here's Carley helping Jamie clean up the branches from the tree he cut down. She's says, "Mom, take a picture of how strong I am!" You can see the little fire pit in the background to the right. It was pretty much that small all day. Just wait though... we apparently don't do small fires at my house!

Here's the dog, freezing his little ass off before the fire got big. He had a long day of trying to hump the other dog that came over, Buster, and chasing kids around. He looks so small!
Here's what the fire looked like after all the kids left. I think that was the tallest it got for the night, but it was pretty big.
Here it is died down some.... very little really...

It was a pretty fire and then we all got tired and put it out. I'll take a pic of the ashes tonight and post it tomorrow. They are quite impressive.
Carley decided to play the "I'm sick" card yesterday, so I brought her into the office with me.
This is some of what she did with her day.....
LOL! For anyone who's not up to date on 8 yr old spelling, that says dirt is disgusting. I'm not sure why she decided to make the sign say that, but what the hell.... It's still up there now. I should probably change it before a customer comes in but.... Fuck it!
So Christmas is in 8 days. I feel very unprepared but ready for it to be over with. It seems to me that almost everyone I know is not into Christmas at all this year. Sucks! Oh well.... New Year's here I come!
-Happy Kwanzaa!