December 9, 2008

Started out lame... Ended in fun!

Hello, Happy Tuesday everyone!
So the concert was lame and we ended up leaving early. We got some pretty good pictures while we were there though.

Here's a pic of Girls night out a couple weeks ago. It was shot time!

Here we all are at the concert. Lindy, Sam, Hanna and myself.

Bathroom pic!

Self Portrait....

Me and Lindy. I have no idea why I'm bending down.

Crazy eyes!

Yeah, like I said, the concert was a little boring.

Here we are in the parking lot on our way out.

Jamie & Me at hurricane. He looks tired...

Jamie and Mike. Jamie is so awesome. Flip that camera off!

So that was out Friday night. Saturday and Sunday we both pretty calm for me. Sunday I watched Lindy's kids while she was at the Cardinals Game. It was pretty uneventful.
Tonight I think we are going to get a Christmas tree. I just want to get that done and over with. I like the decorating part. I also would like to get some presents wrapped and under the tree.
Well.... back to work. Tons of stuff to do for once!
-*sniff* Oh, that Christmas Tree smell!