October 10, 2008
I know I wouldn't have lasted this long! You go Girl!
Random Link Friday!
So this week we will highlight http://cuteoverload.com/
This is a REALLY CUTE website full of REALLY CUTE animals. It's fun to scroll through, if only for the pictures. The captions are PRETTY CUTE too.
October 9, 2008
Taco Bell I owe Thee an Apology
I am deeply and truly sorry.
Keep the sporks coming!
-Sporks are NOT for shanking!
October 8, 2008
New Costume
So I went with this:
Or if you'd rather not click the link, here's the pic:
TOTALLY RAD! It's so simple, yet so gory at the same time! It's great.
I'm wearing it to the costume party, possibly to work all day, and then to my brother-in-law's house on Halloween night.
I gotta see if we are dressing up for work that day or not.
I already bought fake eyelashes for my fairy costume, so I'm going to use them for this one too. Nice make-up, fake lashes, and BLOOD everywhere. I'm excited about it.
I don't think I've been this excited about a Halloween costume since I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and my mom made my Rubie Slippers all glittery. Man those shoes were great! I wanted to wear them all the time after Halloween. Eventually the glitter wore off and then were just regular shoes again, but it was the greatest while it lasted.
-wishing you great happiness with your costume
Yum, Lunch
So I went to Wal-mart on my lunch time looking for the power supply (it's the cord that goes from the game to the plug in the wall). Let me tell you that Wal-mart is completely useless when it comes to necessities for the Wii. You want a controller that is cordless, comes with a rechargeable stand, and rechargeable batteries for $30 bucks, then go look at Wal-mart. Other then that, you'll have to go to a game store. So I got the Nun Chuck at Wal-mart and then went to Game Crazy to get the power supply. They aren't too expensive so I was alright with buying them at 2 different places.
I decided to get Taco Bell for lunch and ordered a Mexican Pizza. Taco Bell used to give you a spork when you ordered a Mexican pizza, but I guess the economy has got them down too, cause I looked in the bag, and NO SPORK! Cheap ass Taco Bell!
BUT, that got me thinking about the spork. The spork is a VERY cool invention. Who would've thought to put a fork and a spoon together? Well, some one did, obviously, because it has been in my life ever since I was old enough to order lunch at school.
I remember when the school used to get the ones with the number on the back of the top of the handle. My friends and I would all check out our numbers and whoever had the highest number would win. Win what- I don't remember (I'm pretty sure it was nothing)- but you were BAD ASS if you had the highest number. It was a coveted status! Kids!
Sorry, I got all off topic there....
So, I was thinking about the spork on the drive back to my office. I was thinking, "Man, the spork is pretty cool. Everyone knows what a spork is and everyone has used one at sometime in their life! I really wonder who invented the spork. Hmmm...." So I got back to the office, chowed on my Mexican pizza, WITH A REGULAR FORK, and then I Googled the inventor of the spork! Google led me to Wikipedia, and BAM!
Who knew that the spork had such a crazy life? Here's the link if you want to read everything on it, but I'll hit the high points below.
So the spork was invented sometime in the late 1800's. That sort of blew me away cause I think of the 1800's as a sort of primitive time span. Here's what Wikipedia had to say about it:
Spork-like utensils have been manufactured since at least the late 1800s; patents for spork-like designs date back to at least 1874 and the word "spork" was registered as a trademark both in the U.S. and the UK decades later.
Totally cool! AND....
The word spork is a portmanteau combining the words spoon and fork. The word "spork" appeared in the 1909 supplement to the Century Dictionary, where it was described as a trade name and "a 'portmanteau-word' applied to a long, slender spoon having at the end of the bowl projections resembling the tines of a fork". Sporks are occasionally known as foons.[1]
I never knew what a portmanteau was. Oh, the things you learn! I also have never heard the spork referred to as a foon, either. I think I would look at someone like they were a little nuts if they used the word foon. It's an odd word. FOON FOON FOON! Fun to say (type) though.
Sporks have been mass-manufactured since at least the late 1800s. The Folgate Silver Plate Company of England manufactured one sometime between 1875 and 1900.[citation needed]
In the United States, various patents for sporks and proto-sporks have been issued over the years. A combined spoon, fork, and knife closely resembling the modern spork was invented by Samuel W. Francis and issued US Patent 147,119 in February, 1874. Other early patents predating the modern spork include US Patent 904,553, for a "Cutting spoon", granted on November 24, 1908 to Harry L. McCoy and US Patent 1,044,869, for a spoon with a tined edge, granted to Frank Emmenegger in November of 1912. Many of these inventions predated the use of the term "spork" and thus may be considered proto-sporks. Given this significant prior art, the basic concept of combining aspects of a spoon and fork is well established; more modern patents have limited themselves to the specific implementation and appearance of the spork. These design patents do not prevent anyone from designing and manufacturing their own version of a spork. Examples of modern US design patents for sporks include patent number D247,153 issued in February of 1978 and patent D388,664 issued in January of 1998.
The word spork originated in the early 1900s to describe such devices. According to a 20 December 1952 New York Times article, Hyde W. Ballard of Westtown, Pennsylvania filed an application to register "Spork" as a trademark for a combination spoon and fork made of stainless steel, although there is no longer any record of this application at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The Van Brode Milling Company subsequently registered SPORK for a combination plastic spoon, fork and knife at the USPTO on October 27, 1970, but abandoned the registration several years later. The word Spork accompanied by a stylised design is currently registered in the US in relation to hand tools, in the name of a UK based individual (reg. no. 2514381).
In the United Kingdom, Plastico Limited originally registered Spork as a trademark in relation to cutlery with effect from 18 September 1975 (reg. no. 1052291). The registration is now in the name of another company and remains in force. The trademark is also registered in the UK in relation to gardening tools in the name of the same UK based individual who owns US trademark registration no. 2514381. Another British company, Lifeventure, sells titanium and plastic versions using the name "Forkspoon".
In an unsuccessful lawsuit in 1999 where the company Regalzone sought to invalidate Plastico Limited's UK registration for Spork, Justice Neuberger wrote: "I accept that the word Spork involves a clever idea of making a single word by eliding the end of the word spoon and beginning of the word fork. The fact that it is clever and the fact that the meaning of Spork could be said to be obvious once it is explained does not mean that it is obvious what it is. Indeed, I would have thought that if one asked a person in 1975 what a Spork was, he or she would not know. If one then explained what it was and how the word came about, one might then be told that it was obvious or that it was clever."
Such drama and frivolity, and all about the damn Spork! I also love the word "proto-spork" So much awesomeness in those 2 little words!
This is my favorite part of the whole wikipedia article:
Plastic sporks are also common in prisons in the United States, because they are difficult to form into weapons.
Love it!!! I just think that's hilarious! Silly prisoners! Sporks are for eating, not for shanking! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! That is just the greatest.
Here's my second fav part:
A similar term exists in Finnish: a "luha" (properly "lusikka-haarukka") is a portmanteau word combining the words for "spoon" and "fork" respectively, and is most commonly to issued to conscripts on national service. It should be noted that Finnish luha is not constructed as a spork but has spoon in one end and fork in other and folds at the middle.
Who would've thunk it? The Fins! They do it better! A folding spoon and fork that's an all-in-one???? Wow. Just wow. That's an awesome thing right there! PLUS IT'S PORTABLE! Whew! Excellent invention I tell you!
So I hope you have all enjoyed your lesson on the history of the spork. I know I have.
Plus, who else can say they have a blog entry dedicated to the spork? Not many people, I'd venture to say.
Thanks for reading.
Peace, I'm outtie!
P.S. The spell checker does NOT know the word Spork. I'm a little surprised by this. Something else to ponder i suppose.... is Spork in the dictionary?
October 7, 2008
Whoo Hoooo! I'm back!
We had a pretty busy weekend and what turned out to be a very interesting start of the week! I know I have your interest peaked, but you will just have to bear with me. I'd like to start with some random stuff first. All in due time, kiddos. All in due time. :)
Here's Carley. She's pretending to stalk someone while holding a blow up Army Rifle. I thought it was cute. She's trying to look mean, but she really just pulls off super cute.
About 2 weeks ago it was Spirit Week at Carley's school. She participated in Crazy hair day, shown below, and Nerd Day and Favorite Olympic Sport day. I only took pics of the Crazy hair though.
I told you I was going to be random. :) Here we are husking corn for dinner the other night. Nice cleavage!
Carley is a HAM! She wanted to take an action shot of her trying to eat the corn. I'm just smiling because my kid is a weirdo. It's a pretty good pic of her & I though. :)
Okay, so I want to start a website that's dedicated to the faces that people make while playing Wii. I won't say what I'm going to call it, cause I don't want anyone to steal it, but it's going to be super RAD. I'm going to have Jamie check to make sure it's available, and then we are going to buy it tonight! Did you know you can create a website for $9.00/year!?!?!?!? Totally cheap!
Here are some Wii Faces that I'm going to add to the site. If you have any of your own then you can email them to me @ tiffanyc421@hotmail.com. I'll add them to the site when I get it up and running.
This is Nick. He's Natalie's son. Great Wii Face! Looks like he's have tons of fun!
Here's my Wii Face. This is me saying "wow, that was cool!"
Here's my husband. I wish the picture had come out better! He looks a little bored though, doesn't he?
Here's Natalie. This was the only pic of her I could get because she kept hiding! The beer bottle is a great accessory!
So, that's all my random stuff, for now...
This weekend was super busy! Saturday I had to come into work for an hour, and then I had a Birthday party to go to. It's our friends Jake & Heather's sons b-day. He turned 1!!! He's such a big kid! So super cute though. I didn't take any pics there because I forgot the camera in my truck. Oops...
Then after the birthday party I had to go to Jamie's reserve unit for some informational meeting and a BBQ. The BBQ was cool. They had lots of fun stuff and good food.
Here's Jamie giving his WAZ UP!?!?!? (or is that an I love you sign?) at the start of the BBQ.
They brought in a bouncy house for the kids too!
Here's Ms. Carley in the bouncy house having a grand time.
I had never heard of a Marshmallow gun before! These things were pretty cool. You out a marshmallow in there and blow real hard and the marshmallow comes flying out and attacks people. It was great. Both Jamie and Carley were having a blast shooting people with them. Carley is an Ace when it comes to aiming!
Here she is cracking up cause she just nailed someone in the butt!
Sunday was busy too. Jamie had a coming home Ceremony for his unit. They got Flags, and Coins, and both him and I got a pin for his support in OEF and OIF.
Here he is in his formation. He is in the 1st row 2nd one from the right.
It was cool getting to see him do that. After that we were on TV! They interview Jamie and another person from his unit and the TV Crew kinda shoved Carley and I in the middle. They didn't show us talking or anything, but it was still cool to see ourselves. Almost all of our close friends and relatives got to see us too. A big shout out to those peeps that were interested enough to tune in. We think you are the BOMB!
After that we went to lunch and a Chinese Buffet. Here's Carley in Jamie's Beret.
Here's Jamie and Carley. They are so cute! That's my MIL (mother-in-law) in the background, walking away.
So that was about it for our crazy busy weekend. Monday Carley ended up being sick, so I stayed home with her. I got a lot done though. I cleaned out her room and did a couple loads of laundry. Then this morning I find out that one of our mutual friends got put in jail! Sucks! It also turns out that Jamie is sick today! So overall it's been a crazy week and it's only Tuesday!
So, that's all I have to update for now. Check back in an hour or two. I might have something else added. :)
-Love ya like a fat kid loves cake!