We had a pretty busy weekend and what turned out to be a very interesting start of the week! I know I have your interest peaked, but you will just have to bear with me. I'd like to start with some random stuff first. All in due time, kiddos. All in due time. :)
Here's Carley. She's pretending to stalk someone while holding a blow up Army Rifle. I thought it was cute. She's trying to look mean, but she really just pulls off super cute.
About 2 weeks ago it was Spirit Week at Carley's school. She participated in Crazy hair day, shown below, and Nerd Day and Favorite Olympic Sport day. I only took pics of the Crazy hair though.
I told you I was going to be random. :) Here we are husking corn for dinner the other night. Nice cleavage!
Carley is a HAM! She wanted to take an action shot of her trying to eat the corn. I'm just smiling because my kid is a weirdo. It's a pretty good pic of her & I though. :)
Okay, so I want to start a website that's dedicated to the faces that people make while playing Wii. I won't say what I'm going to call it, cause I don't want anyone to steal it, but it's going to be super RAD. I'm going to have Jamie check to make sure it's available, and then we are going to buy it tonight! Did you know you can create a website for $9.00/year!?!?!?!? Totally cheap!
Here are some Wii Faces that I'm going to add to the site. If you have any of your own then you can email them to me @ tiffanyc421@hotmail.com. I'll add them to the site when I get it up and running.
This is Nick. He's Natalie's son. Great Wii Face! Looks like he's have tons of fun!
Here's my Wii Face. This is me saying "wow, that was cool!"
Here's my husband. I wish the picture had come out better! He looks a little bored though, doesn't he?
Here's Natalie. This was the only pic of her I could get because she kept hiding! The beer bottle is a great accessory!
So, that's all my random stuff, for now...
This weekend was super busy! Saturday I had to come into work for an hour, and then I had a Birthday party to go to. It's our friends Jake & Heather's sons b-day. He turned 1!!! He's such a big kid! So super cute though. I didn't take any pics there because I forgot the camera in my truck. Oops...
Then after the birthday party I had to go to Jamie's reserve unit for some informational meeting and a BBQ. The BBQ was cool. They had lots of fun stuff and good food.
Here's Jamie giving his WAZ UP!?!?!? (or is that an I love you sign?) at the start of the BBQ.
They brought in a bouncy house for the kids too!
Here's Ms. Carley in the bouncy house having a grand time.
I had never heard of a Marshmallow gun before! These things were pretty cool. You out a marshmallow in there and blow real hard and the marshmallow comes flying out and attacks people. It was great. Both Jamie and Carley were having a blast shooting people with them. Carley is an Ace when it comes to aiming!
Here she is cracking up cause she just nailed someone in the butt!
Sunday was busy too. Jamie had a coming home Ceremony for his unit. They got Flags, and Coins, and both him and I got a pin for his support in OEF and OIF.
Here he is in his formation. He is in the 1st row 2nd one from the right.
It was cool getting to see him do that. After that we were on TV! They interview Jamie and another person from his unit and the TV Crew kinda shoved Carley and I in the middle. They didn't show us talking or anything, but it was still cool to see ourselves. Almost all of our close friends and relatives got to see us too. A big shout out to those peeps that were interested enough to tune in. We think you are the BOMB!
After that we went to lunch and a Chinese Buffet. Here's Carley in Jamie's Beret.
Here's Jamie and Carley. They are so cute! That's my MIL (mother-in-law) in the background, walking away.
So that was about it for our crazy busy weekend. Monday Carley ended up being sick, so I stayed home with her. I got a lot done though. I cleaned out her room and did a couple loads of laundry. Then this morning I find out that one of our mutual friends got put in jail! Sucks! It also turns out that Jamie is sick today! So overall it's been a crazy week and it's only Tuesday!
So, that's all I have to update for now. Check back in an hour or two. I might have something else added. :)
-Love ya like a fat kid loves cake!
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