I only have a handful of authors that I really like. I'm typically unable to try a new author, unless they come HIGHLY recommended by someone that I know and trust.
Lindy got me hooked on these books by Diana Gabaldon. Here's her website: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~gatti/gabaldon/gabaldon.html if you want to check them out.
I never would have read them if it wasn't for Lindy! Makes me feel like I'm maybe missing out on some good stuff by being narrow in my selection of authors, but I can't see myself spending $20 for a new book by an author that hasn't been tried and tested by my friends or myself... I can't shop in used book stores, and I have no idea why. :) Just one of my many odd quirks, I guess.
I was reading the Highlander Series by Diana. I'm currently waiting for the next book in the series. My patience is wearing thin, but waddaya gonna do? Wait... and wait... and wait!
It's a great bunch of books!!! It starts out about a women named Claire. She's a war nurse reuniting with her husband in Scotland after the end of the war. Which war, I'm not sure of b/c I didn't much like that part of the book, so I didn't pay much attention. The beginning started really slow and then BAM! She touches a stone and it takes her back 200 years! Things really get great from there and the books get so involved that i can't put them down.
The really great thing about this series is that they are actual NOVELS. Not the crap they pass off for novel's now adays, but actual 900+ pages of great writing! It's sad and funny and great stuff. They just don't make books like that very often anymore. I find myself feeling cheated when a book ends before 500 pages anymore! I got spoiled! Check out those books though. They are a really great read.
I just ordered a bunch of books from Barnes & Noble. Most of them are Pre-orders, so I'm trying to wait patiently for these as well. I thought I'd give them a shout out on my blog because.... well, just because I'm pretty bored and have nothing better to do. :) How's that for honesty? LOL
These are the ones that are coming right away:

This is for Carley.... obviously. LOL, I actually like these books a lot too. They are fun to read to her, and she's can read them on her own with no problems. I especially like the book, If you Give a Pig a Pancake. That's one of the greats of our time right there! I like the If You take a Mouse to School books too. Short, to the point, funny. Great combo. She's going to get this one for Christmas though. Lame for a kid, I know, but It's one more present she can see under the tree and get excited about.
I mainly ordered this book because I really like Bones the TV show. I had no idea that the show was based on this series until like 2 weeks ago. I thought I'd give it a whirl. I guess there are like 10 books already written! If I like it then I have a bunch of stuff to read for awhile. I hate running out of stuff to read.
The 3rd book that I ordered that's coming right away is a secret.... It's for Jamie for Christmas also, so I don't want to give anything away... Well, OK maybe one hint....... It's about something really cool. HA!
PRE-Ordered Books:
Release Date: 12/09/08
I typically don't like to read Iris Johansen for a couple reasons. 1. She's very wordy about stuff 2. The dialogue in her books isn't all that top notch and 3. She's got all this "oh! woe is me!" stuff about all of her female characters and the guy characters all have some hard past experience (that no NORMAL male would have ever had in their NORMAL life) that makes them all assholes, until the very end when they screw the chick and then do her wrong and then save the day anyway and get redeemed. Whew... That being said, this book actually seemed like it might be better then all of that. So I'm going to try it on for size. If it's a disappointment, all's well.... Nothing I didn't expect anyway....
Release Date: 11/25/08
I'm a HUGE FAN of Dean Koontz. I even subscribe to his website! Lame, I know... Anyway, I'm hoping this book is FANTABULOUS because his latest books aren't that great either. Good, but not DEAN KOONTZ GREAT. I don't know what it is...
I'm a HUGE FAN of Dean Koontz. I even subscribe to his website! Lame, I know... Anyway, I'm hoping this book is FANTABULOUS because his latest books aren't that great either. Good, but not DEAN KOONTZ GREAT. I don't know what it is...
I do love the Odd Thomas series though. Odd is a great character.
Release Date: 11/11/08
I ALWAYS say that I am done buying Stephen King books. Always, always, always! After every book that comes out I purchase, read, and say "wow, that really blew goats! What happened to good 'ole Stephen that used to make me almost pee my pants cause he was so goo at being so scary???" I always vow to stop buying his books, and then a new one comes out and I see it and think... well, maybe this will be his comeback book! So, I'm putting my faith in the Stephen King comeback with a book of his short stories. I'm hoping they are OLD short stories, pre-accident Stephen. That's probably a horrible thing to say, but it's just the way I feel... NEXT!
I ALWAYS say that I am done buying Stephen King books. Always, always, always! After every book that comes out I purchase, read, and say "wow, that really blew goats! What happened to good 'ole Stephen that used to make me almost pee my pants cause he was so goo at being so scary???" I always vow to stop buying his books, and then a new one comes out and I see it and think... well, maybe this will be his comeback book! So, I'm putting my faith in the Stephen King comeback with a book of his short stories. I'm hoping they are OLD short stories, pre-accident Stephen. That's probably a horrible thing to say, but it's just the way I feel... NEXT!
Release Date: 11/04/08
I love JD Robb aka Nora Roberts. I'm really only buying this book because I have an almost religious following for all JD Robb books. There's only one short story in here by her, but I'm getting it anyway! Hopefully I will enjoy the other short stories as much. Which brings me to.....
I love JD Robb aka Nora Roberts. I'm really only buying this book because I have an almost religious following for all JD Robb books. There's only one short story in here by her, but I'm getting it anyway! Hopefully I will enjoy the other short stories as much. Which brings me to.....
I REALLY can't wait for this book to be delivered to my door!! (Side note... I'll explain more about my delivery fetish in another blog) This is the latest in the Lt. Eve Dallas series. LOVE THEM!
Release Date: 12/04/08
You mean we get ANOTHER HARRY POTTER BOOK???? Nope, fooled ya. This is just a book "from the wizarding world of Harry Potter" Looks are certainly deceiving with this book! I am excited about this though, because I am a FREAK about Harry Potter and all things related. Just can't get enough!
So that's my end of the year book schedule! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Actually this blog was kind of a pain in the ass because of all the pictures and dates! Oh well.... it killed an hour for me! Whoo Hooo! Come on 5 o'clock!
L8r Sk8tr
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