December 21, 2010
Hmm... will it work?
Life has been crazy, as usual, but good. Great friends, great husband, great daughter! I even have a better job! As for my last post… No school… nothing but the run around again!
The real reason I am updating is because I am going to try something new. What better reason to update, right? This very minute I am waiting for the delivery of my electronic cigarette! YEAY! I have always been the type of person to try to recognize my own shortcomings. With smoking, I have never tried to quit because I knew that I would not succeed, I would only succeed in making myself and others around me miserable! I figured why put myself and others through that just to start smoking again? Well, the time has come! With the invention of the FANTASTIC E-Cigarette I feel like I can actually attempt quitting. It may take me a long time, but I feel like I have a better chance of actually quitting this way! For those of you who don’t know or haven’t heard the e-cigarette is a healthier version of a cigarette. I can gradually decrease the amount of nicotine I intake. I will no longer smell, I will feel better without all those toxins in my body, and I no longer need to worry about slowly poisoning my child with second hand smoke. Also, I can smoke ANYWHERE! I am very very excited! So I will try to keep up with the updates because I would like to be able to look back at them and see all that I went thru with this “experiment”. Wish me luck!
June 29, 2010
So I will update you, my few readers, with my progress and my blood sweat and tears on my journey to better my life.
And away we go!!!!!
May 19, 2010
Busy Busy Busy!
My 30th Birthday came and was great! I chose Salty Seniorita as the place to have my party and had a great time. I got such great gifts too!!!
This is the cookie I got from Val and Wayne. It was SO TASTY!

I got a Tiara that was hand made by Lindy: (actually almost everything was made by Lindy! Thanks Girly!)

This is just a far away shot of all my goodies!

This is ME double fistin it!

Jamie got me candles for my 30th birthday and snuck them on my cookie. So sweet!

Me in all my Birthday Gear:

This past Sunday we had our 1st Annual All-Star BBQ. Jamie decided that he wanted to have a huge BBQ for all the clubs for a get together. It was a huge success! Here are a few pics:
This was my favorite shirt of the day. EPIC!

All in all we spent a little dough, but it was totally worth it. I had a blast and people really liked the idea. We will for sure be having it again!
April 16, 2010
My daughter-
She is getting so big and growing into a young lady. She's still got a bit of that kid thing going on, where she doesn't listen sometimes. However, it's the little things she does sometimes that seem so grown up. She's starting to do her own laundry and recently she got a new dress. I told her that I need her to put her laundry in the washer, and picked up the dress to see how to wash it. I told her that it needs to be washed in cold water, and she said " Ok, but should I wash it individually??" I just looked at her for a minute thinking, where did my little girl go?
Getting to cuddle with my husband in the morning-
Jamie works a weird set of hours, so he's gone every morning when I wake up, except for Thursday thru Saturday. So the mornings that he is home, we get to cuddle in bed for a few minutes before the chaos of the morning ritual starts. It really makes you appreciate what you have, if you have to do without it for a while.
Great Friends-
I have to say I think Jamie and have have a really good group of friends. I know that not many people can say that. I don't have a lot of family, so having great friends is very important to me. Seems to me that we really lucked out. If you are reading this, you know who you are!
Catching nothing but green lights-
Red lights suck.
Cause Tacos rule!
My birthday-
I love my birthday because it's the only day that its ALL ABOUT ME!
I am an avid reader. I love books of all kinds. I covet the e-reader but only because I can buy books for cheap and download them in 60 seconds. I think I would really prefer to have an actual book in my hands though. A book can't short out on you, a book doesn't need to be charged. Technology is awesome, but there is something to be said for the old skool method when it comes to books.
People with common sense-
It is a very rare occurrence when you meet someone who has common sense. I talk to idiots all day long so it's very refreshing when I get to talk to that .0001% of the population that has common sense.
Not being sick-
I feel like I am getting a chest cold. I hate being sick.
April 12, 2010
The Gremlin
I have a 30 minute break for lunch. I pull into your drive thru and I give you my specific order, and I give it to you very clearly enunciated. You read my order back to me and I verify that it is correct.
Somewhere between the buttons you are pushing, the printing of my order, my giving you money for the food, to the employee that makes the food, there must be an evil little Gremlin who jumbles my order around and gets everything mixed up. I can't figure out any other reason why my order, given and verified, would come to me incorrectly. I know that the employees can read because you had to fill out an application, right? So it can't be that. When I get my receipt I look at it to double check that it looks right and it does! There can't be that much difference between my receipt and your order up screen, right? It's gotta be the Gremlin!!
So please, please, please investigate this Gremlin that causes my order to come to me incorrectly. Save myself and my friends the anger of a wrong order! I beg of you!
April 4, 2010
5 years in the blink of an eye
So today is the anniversary of my mom’s passing. It’s been 5 years. It’s amazing to me that it has been so long, because it still seems like it was just a couple months ago. There are so many things I wish she was around to see. There are so many things that I wish she was around to ask her about. Things that myself, my brothers, and my daughter got robbed of.
I haven’t talked about how she died and why with a lot of people. Only my husband and my best friend know what really happened, and I’m not sure they even know all of it. I have mentioned the situation to a couple of other people, but it still makes me sad, so I try not to talk about it. I think that not talking about it, for me, is the same as trying to run away from it. So I thought that on this 5th anniversary of her death (which I think is a weird way of saying it) that I would get it all out. Here goes…..
My father was never really a part of my life. Towards the end of my mom’s life she admitted that she pushed my father out of our lives very early. Part of me agrees with that and there is another part of me that thinks if he really wanted to be a part of our lives, he would have fought for it. That’s neither here nor there though because it is what it is.
I don’t really remember a lot before I was 10 years old. I remember bits and pieces. I remember when my mom was diagnosed with Lupus, in 1987, and how she was pregnant with my brother Mason when it happened. I remember her being very upset about it. They gave her 2 years to live. She survived for just about 18 years. I don’t know if this happened before or after she was diagnosed, but I remember my father doing dishes in our apartment, when we were living in California. I was standing in the kitchen watching him when all of a sudden he stopped and ran into the bedroom. I remember, very vividly, that my mom was bouncing on the bed and I thought it was funny. Then I noticed my dad was in a panic and screaming at me, 6 or 7 years old, to call 911. I remember he was shoving a brush in her mouth and I didn’t know why. I remember the firemen and the paramedics getting to our apartment and taking my mom away. I remember being really afraid.
In 1990 we moved to Arizona. It was the beginning of the best years of my life. My father had been working in Arizona for a while, so we decided to move out here to be close to him. It didn’t really work out. It turned out that the job in Arizona wasn’t long term, like they thought it was, and he was shipped back to California to work. He would come home after a couple of months to visit, but it really did nothing to create a relationship with him for any of us kids. He would come home, get shit faced and become an asshole. This went on for a long time. I don’t remember when it was he finally stopped drinking, but by then it was just too late for us to start a real relationship. My brother and I were teenagers and already angry at the way he had been with us.
So in 2000 I had my daughter, Carley. At this point my brother and I had already graduated high school, so my parents decided to move back to California. I had to go with them as I was unemployed and very young and I wasn’t able to support myself and a child. We moved to a town called Clearlake, CA. The town was tiny and the lake did not live up to its name. Although I hated it there, I tried to make the best of it and got a job at Cheap Tickets, a 30 minute drive, and started taking general education classes in Napa, a 2 hour drive, at a community college. Things were ok there for me and my brothers. I was still able to visit Arizona to see my best friend and on a 21st birthday trip for her, met my future husband.
Things were not so great for my mom. She kept getting sick and having to go to the hospital. The conditions in the place we were living were not good to have to do the dialysis she needed. She would get an infection, and that infection would get worse and she would go to the hospital and the condition would worsen, instead of get better. She developed an infection of the lining the holds your insides together. Every time she would get sick, she would eventually bounce back to 100%. During this time I moved back to Arizona. My mom would call me and I would call her and we would catch up and for the first time ever, I felt like an actual adult.
During one of these phone calls I could tell that she was pretty upset. I asked her why and she told me that my father had gone to work in Puerto Rico and while there he had an affair. We were all pretty devastated about it, but she and my dad had talked and they realized that there were things in their marriage that had suffered as a result of my mom’s disease (which I thought was a pretty bullshit move on my dad’s part, also the beginning of many shitty things to come) and they were trying to work things out. Things went ok for them for awhile, until he cheated again. This time was pretty serious, as he wasn’t willing to work on things at home like he was before. He mentioned divorce to my mom and it broke her. I should say this is pretty much all my opinion of what happened, as I wasn’t there to see it firsthand. She was still having health problems and it seemed to us that she lost the will to fight to get better. Things went down very quickly and she was admitted to the hospital in Napa. I have some guilt about this time because I was here and living my life, and I thought it was just another time in the hospital. The last time I talked to her she was in a lot of pain and asked if she could call me back. I never got to talk to her again. While my mom was in the hospital for the last time, they put her under for a surgery. She never came out of it. She was in a coma while the doctors were trying to heal her many infections. We were told that it was pretty hopeless. So my uncle flew me out to California to say good bye. My father was so upset by what was happening that he had to bring his girlfriend to the hospital for emotional support. He thought that it was a good idea to sit my brothers and me down at a table in the hospital cafeteria and have a chat about why he brought his girlfriend with him, and that we should be able to accept it. He thought that we should try to have a relationship with his new girlfriend eventually.
We all pretty much responded how you would think. With a big fuck you asshole.
So I attempted to have a small relationship with him after that, looking for something I never really had. The resentment was too much. I blamed him, and still do to a certain extent, for my mom’s death. Part of me feels like if he had been there for her while she was in the hospital, if he had supported her and helped her try to recover, if he had been any kind of husband at all, that she would have gotten better and would still possibly be with us. The rational part of me says it was just her time. The emotional part of me is still very much upset about the circumstances surrounding her death and refuses to see reason.
I am sure there are things that I have left out or forgotten.
So, on this 5th anniversary of my mom’s death, I will raise a glass of iced tea in her honor.
I love you mom. You were everything to me. I miss you always.
March 27, 2010
You've lost your Muchness!
Unemployment + Desperation = Crappy Job
I spent most of January looking for a job and found one! I started at my job on 02/01/10. Seems to me like I was looking for a very long time but, when compared to other people, I got lucky. At least it seemed like luck!
I HATE MY JOB! I don't know if it is just that I was so spoiled at my last Job, or that I am older and less flexible than I used to be but I really, really hate this job.
I am working in a call center doing tech support for people who have their own websites. At first I was excited to learn a new skill and something that I can use to help my husband with his website. I did learn a lot and I am still learning, however, this job is such bullshit. The call center roof leaks when it rains. There was a couple of times I got stuck at the desk underneath the leak. The solution? Put a bucket under the leak! RETARDED! Also, there are just some people that should NOT own a computer!
So! I am on a quest for a new job! I applied at American Family for a position as a sales and service representative. It would be the same thing I was doing for Dale, but in a call center and I will have way more room to advance in position there. I have had a phone interview a typing test and a face to face interview. I should get a call next week for a 3rd and final interview over the phone. I am so looking forward to getting this job!! I don't think I have ever appreciated what I had more than I do right now. I am counting on getting my ass outta this crappy place and into something better! This is a new call center here in Phoenix, and I am really looking forward to walking in there with no where to go but up! Cross your fingers for me!
Devastation = April 21, 2010
I am turning 30!!!! It's hard for me to wrap my head around that. I have lived 30 years already. 30 YEARS! Crazy. I feel old, but this is really nothing. Just a drop in the bucket of my life, provided I live to a ripe old age. I feel like there is so much I still want to do over the course of my life that I keep saying "I'll get to it". Well, when? When I am 40? I don't want to look back at my life when I am 75 or 80 and say, "Damn it! I should have taken that vacation to Australia while I could have!" Perhaps I am freaking out prematurely, but I can't help thinking about it.
So in a couple of weeks I will be the Dirty 30. Should be an interesting ride!
Around the house
Things are going good with the family for the most part. Carley is still having trouble in Math and has trouble being able to focus in school in the afternoon. I have been tossing around the idea of putting her on a medication that is 2 doses; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I am reluctant to change because I don't want her to have to leave class to take her meds. It's something I need to talk to her Doctor about. Other than that she seems to be doing much better.
Jamie and I are doing fantastic. Seems like it gets better and better between us every day. There are still issues to work on.... like.... Why is it impossible for him to take the trash out to the main trash can, instead of leaving it on the floor? and, Can you please place your dirty underwear in the laundry basket instead of on the floor next to it? Silly stuff like that, that aggravates me to no end, but really won't matter 50 years from now.
Well it's Sunday. I am off to work now. Last day to work the weekends! I am very happy about that!