Things that I find awesome.
My daughter-
She is getting so big and growing into a young lady. She's still got a bit of that kid thing going on, where she doesn't listen sometimes. However, it's the little things she does sometimes that seem so grown up. She's starting to do her own laundry and recently she got a new dress. I told her that I need her to put her laundry in the washer, and picked up the dress to see how to wash it. I told her that it needs to be washed in cold water, and she said " Ok, but should I wash it individually??" I just looked at her for a minute thinking, where did my little girl go?
Getting to cuddle with my husband in the morning-
Jamie works a weird set of hours, so he's gone every morning when I wake up, except for Thursday thru Saturday. So the mornings that he is home, we get to cuddle in bed for a few minutes before the chaos of the morning ritual starts. It really makes you appreciate what you have, if you have to do without it for a while.
Great Friends-
I have to say I think Jamie and have have a really good group of friends. I know that not many people can say that. I don't have a lot of family, so having great friends is very important to me. Seems to me that we really lucked out. If you are reading this, you know who you are!
Catching nothing but green lights-
Red lights suck.
Cause Tacos rule!
My birthday-
I love my birthday because it's the only day that its ALL ABOUT ME!
I am an avid reader. I love books of all kinds. I covet the e-reader but only because I can buy books for cheap and download them in 60 seconds. I think I would really prefer to have an actual book in my hands though. A book can't short out on you, a book doesn't need to be charged. Technology is awesome, but there is something to be said for the old skool method when it comes to books.
People with common sense-
It is a very rare occurrence when you meet someone who has common sense. I talk to idiots all day long so it's very refreshing when I get to talk to that .0001% of the population that has common sense.
Not being sick-
I feel like I am getting a chest cold. I hate being sick.
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