November 20, 2008

Ahhhh... The Holidays

Here's a little random something that Jamie sent me:


Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. I thought I would feel a little overwhelmed because I'm cooking this year, but I don't yet. I'm certain that will change when the day gets closer though. This will be my first attempt at baking! I'm planning on making an apple pie and 2 pumpkin pies. The pumpkin pies will be make out of actual pumpkin! I'm also cooking the turkey this year. I found a recipe for a 2 hour Turkey, but I'm afraid to use it! It would be my luck that the damn thing doesn't cook and we have to have Thanksgiving on Saturday! Oh yeah, we are eating on Friday this year instead of Thursday. I don't suppose it matters what day you do it, as long as you've got your family around. Should be better for me, though, because that gives me a whole day to get baking and brining out of the way. I'm looking forward to it. Should be interesting.

This year I feel very rushed for Christmas. I think it has to do with pay periods and bills and whatnot. Last year it didn't matter because Jamie was making buttloads of money and it was already there. This year, I have to ration it out. I've got my MIL, Jamie, my BIL and Lindy done. Carley has one thing already, also. So, I probably shouldn't feel so anxious but, I do. I love the holiday, but I hate the month leading up to it.
BUT.... I do have a couple things to look forward to this weekend! Girls night out on Friday! BIG FAT YEAH to that! Lindy and I are going to go shopping for some awesome shirts (that we probably won't find) and then to dinner and then to the bar! We are trying a "new" bar this time. We haven't been to Big Nix since it turned into Big Nix, so we are going to go and check that out. We all know that we are going to end up at Hurricane anyway, but at least we are trying something new.... well new to us anyway. Bog Nix used to be Famous Sams, and I loved it there. An old friend and I used to go there to talk crap about people and just kick it. It was fun. Hopefully, it will be better then the last time I went there.

Saturday, Lindy and I are going to see Twilight! I can't wait to see this movie. It looks like it's going to follow the book fairly well. We shall see though.... I hate it when movies take the book and twist it into something completely different. Like, when I went to see Stephen Kings "Dream Catcher". Wow-o, did they ever screw that up! After the movie Lindy and I are going Christmas shopping. I can see what I can get done for peeps there. I really only have Carley, my SIL, and my Gramma to buy for. I'm going to leave Jamie's nephews up to him, and I think Jamie and I are going to go shopping together for the rest of Carley's stuff. So- I should be okay. Just breathe.... in and out!

Sunday will be my rest/clean day. I hate cleaning, but it's gotta get done!

So, Happy Thanksgiving to the few of you that actually read my junk. Hopefully yours is a great one!

I leave you with some funny kitties:

Gotta love cats with captions! All of these are courtesy of
-Gobble Gobble!

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